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Why choose Evoke Composite Aluminium Fascia?

Evoke Composite Aluminium Fascia - Durability with the ease of PVC

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Reduce Installation Time

Evoke Composite Aluminium Fascia can be cut and formed using standard carpentry tools. No expensive specialist trades required. Fast and simple installation.

Great looks that last

Ideal for either traditional or contemporary projects. Evoke Composite Aluminium Fascia has a functional life expectancy of 50 years with minimum maintenance.

Sustainable - can be fully recycled at the end of its life.

Marley Alutec Evoke composite aluminium fascia system Type A

Save Money on Timber

Expensive timber grounds can be designed out using Evoke Composite Aluminium Fascia. Gutters can be fixed directly to Evoke Fascia panels.

Technical Support

Our technical team are available to advise on the application of our systems, alongside a growing number of building designs and methods of construction.

Marley Alutec Evoke composite aluminium fascia system Type B

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Fascia, Soffit and Coping Systems
Marley Alutec Evoke composite aluminium fascia type A

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Marley Alutec evoke composite aluminium fascia soffit Type A case study photo

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